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Working together for you.

Financial experts assisting you every step of the way.  

We're an independent advisory team within Manulife Wealth with access to a flexible and innovative investment model that considers unique alternative investments.  Our team has the knowledge and expertise to create a lasting impact for our clients. We believe teamwork drives a sense of passion, excitement, and adventure and we are inspired by the innovation and continuous improvement that directly benefits our clients. Experience-driven planning and guidance are the cornerstones of our practice. We're passionate about creating comprehensive, strategic plans that foster growth and impact for good.


Why did we choose the name MapleTree?  The maple tree symbolizes balance, offering, longevity, generosity, and intelligence. One reason behind these meanings is that maple trees have the ability to adapt to many different climate as we also have to adapt to many different market conditions.

And the maple leaf is our nation's symbol.  Canadian, eh? 

Having over 45 years of combined industry experience, we have cultivated a disciplined service ethic and technical proficiency that are both wide and multidisciplinary. As such, we are able to draw on our deep experience and broad knowledge base as we help you navigate all of the important pivot points of your financial lives.

Maria Bambara
Senior Investment Advisor
Manulife Wealth
Servicing clients in Montreal & Hawkesbury

Drazen Vasiljevic
Senior Investment Advisor
Manulife Wealth
Servicing clients in Ottawa & Montreal

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